R o s e W i n e

wines2022-27 (Custom)-min

Starlight (Grenache Rouge - Kotsifali)

The Cretan vineyards and the Mediterranean climate worked in harmony to produce a rose wine from Grenache Rouge and Kotsifali varietiew. Enjoy its fruity under the stars on a romantic summer evening. Served at 8-9°C best accompanies grilled meat, pasta and salad.
wines2022-6 (Custom)-min

Roze de Castell (Grenache Rouge - Kotsifali)

Rose dry wine Roze de Castell consists of Grenache Gouge and Kotsifali grapes. The grapes are grown at an altitude of 300 meters, in dry soil where it gives it its best character. Rich aromas of strawberry, cherry in combination with the balanced acidity and the oil feeling in the mouth give a unigue taste experience. Accompanies perfectly varieties of cold meat-cheese cuts, fish and exotic fruits. Served at 9-11 °C.
wines2022-7 (Custom)-min

Pole of Attraction (Kotsifali)

Rose dry wine Pole of Attraction consists of 100% grapes of the Cretan variety Kotsifali that we grow in our vineyards. It is a wine that reflects the special microclimate and gives vivid aromas of ripe red fruits, cherry and strawderry. Served at 8-9˚C and accompanies grilled meat, cold meat-cheese cuts and exotic fruits.
wines2022-8 (Custom)-min

Kritopelagitis (Syrah & Kotsifali)

It comes from fine grapes that grow in the sunlit Cretan vineyards under the sea breeze. Creativity and skill are combined with modern means of production and maturation of this rose colour juice. Rose Kritopelagitis contains Romeiko  and Kotsifali varieties.

wines2022 27 Custom min

Starlight (Grenache Rouge - Kotsifali)

The Cretan vineyards and the Mediterranean climate worked in harmony to produce a rose wine from Grenache Rouge and Kotsifali varietiew. Enjoy its fruity under the stars on a romantic summer evening. Served at 8-9°C best accompanies grilled meat, pasta and salads.
wines2022 6 Custom min

Roze de Castell (Grenache Rouge - Kotsifali)

Rose dry wine Roze de Castell consists of Grenache Gouge and Kotsifali grapes. The grapes are grown at an altitude of 300 meters, in dry soil where it gives it its best character. Rich aromas of strawberry, cherry in combination with the balanced acidity and the oil feeling in the mouth give a unigue taste experience. Accompanies perfectly varieties of cold meat-cheese cuts, fish and exotic fruits. Served at 9-11 °C.
wines2022 7 Custom min

Pole Of Attraction (Syrah & Liatiko)

The Cretan vineyards and the Mediterranean climate worked in harmony to produce a rose wine from Syrah and Liatiko varieties. Enjoy its fruity taste under the stars on a romantic summer evening. Served at 8-9˚C, best accompanies grilled meat, pasta and salads.

wines2022 8 Custom min

Kritopelagitis (Syrah & Kotsifali)

It comes from fine grapes that grow in the sunlit Cretan vineyards under the sea breeze. Creativity and skill are combined with modern means of production and maturation of this rose colour juice. Rose Kritopelagitis contains Romeiko  and Kotsifali varieties.

wines2022-40 (Custom)-min

Vin de Crete ( Syrah)

The rose wine “Vin de Crete” Pnevmatikaki, from SYRAH variety, binds the wine tradition of the island with the modern taste preferences. The sea breeze and the sun of Crete together with our experience and recipes of our ancestors, resulted in a red wine with bright colours, rich aroma and exquisite taste.

wines2022-37 (Custom)-min

Vin de Chania (Syrah)

The Rose Wine ‘Vin de Chania’ is the binding of the wine tradition of the island with modern taste preferences. The sea breeze and the sun of Crete with our experience and recipes of our ancestors resulted in a rose wine with bright colours, rich aroma and exquisite taste.

wines2022 40 Custom min

Vin de Crete (Syrah)

The rose wine “Vin de Crete” Pnevmatikaki, from SYRAH variety, binds the wine tradition of the island with the modern taste preferences. The sea breeze and the sun of Crete together with our experience and recipes of our ancestors, resulted in a rose wine with bright colours, rich aroma and exquisite taste.

wines2022 37 Custom min

Vin de Chania (Syrah)

The Rose Wine ‘Vin de Chania’ is the binding of the wine tradition of the island with modern taste preferences. The sea breeze and the sun of Crete with our experience and recipes of our ancestors resulted in a rose wine with bright colours, rich aroma and exquisite taste. 

wines2022-5 (Custom)-min

Pink Panther (Kotsifali)

The rose medium sweet wine from grapes of the traditional variety Kotsifali give us a wine with appealing bouquet of cherry and strawberry aromas. An exceptional wine with beaming rosy color and fruity aftertaste. It will accompany perfectly spring salads, vegetables and seafood. Served at 7-9°C.

wines2022 5 Custom min

Pink Panther (Kotsifali)

The rose medium sweet wine from grapes of the traditional variety Kotsifali give us a wine with appealing bouquet of cherry and strawberry aromas. An exceptional wine with beaming rosy color and fruity aftertaste. It will accompany perfectly spring salads, vegetables and seafood. Served at 7-9°C.